How important filter quality is.
In any part of the country, we want to provide you with the best quality of drinking water, regardless of local conditions. More than 800 * specific and non-specific ingredients have been identified in the drinking world all over the world, which makes the quality of the filtration used and the selection of the right combination of filters especially important.
Why use Waterlogic filters?
Waterlogic offers a wide range of high-performance water filters to deal with a variety of contaminants, including reverse osmosis (RO) filtration, which removes all contaminants and can be used even in heavily polluted water.
Advantages of our filters
* The plastic housing and O-rings must be replaced every two years.
Here we will show you what filters to use to remove various contaminants in drinking water.
Successfully remove dissolved particles in the water
Reverse osmosis provides an even higher level of filtration compared to activated carbon. RO effectively removes dissolved particles (such as salts, nitrates, pesticides, arsenic, etc.). You really don't want any of these particles in your water, because besides being unpleasant, there is a chance that they contain bacteria.
Reverse osmosis system
As with everything, reverse osmosis filtration has its drawbacks, as it removes everything from the water, including the beneficial minerals that improve the taste. These minerals can be added back to the water to some extent. RO filters work very hard, using a process called cross-flow, which constantly cleans the filter from the accumulation of contaminants. This means that a return channel is required, as a large amount of water does not pass through the filter and must be discarded.
Reverse osmosis is ideal when the source of the water is unknown or it is known that there are certain contaminants in the water.